How to score dough successfully…

From this…
To this šŸ™‚

There are some key tips to scoring, but first, why do we do it at all?

Scoring dough has two main jobs, firstly, it allows and encourages growth in your loaf by enabling the dough to expand as it bakes. Because it will expand, but if it isnā€™t scored, it wonā€™t expand as much as it would like to and it will inhibit the size of the baked loaf.

If you donā€™t score your dough thereā€™s also every chance it will crack as it bakes anyway and possibly blow out at the sides, so why not encourage it to grow as youā€™d like it to instead?

Secondly, it allows you to choose how your loaf will look once baked.

By scoring your dough with a single slash, you will encourage a more dramatic opening (assuming a good strong dough).

And after.

By scoring a more intricate and involved design you allow the dough to grow evenly and protect the design.

And after.

So hereā€™s my top tipsā€¦

*The blade needs to be thin and very sharp, ideally a razor blade. By using a bread lame this gives you a safe handle for your blade, but itā€™s not a necessity. Nice to have though, I love all of mine šŸ™‚

*Your dough needs to be firm. This is achieved by having a dough made with the right amount of water for your flour choice, and proved well. Youā€™ll find help with this on my FAQ page.

*If you want to give yourself a slightly firmer surface to score, place your banneton full of dough into the freezer for 30 minutes before turning it out, scoring and baking. (If your dough is too wet or over proved, it is likely to still spread even with this tip).

*A nice firm dough also allows you to take your time as it will hold its shape whilst you score. No need to super fast slash-and-get-it-into-the -oven as fast as possible!

*By not preheating your pan (which I never do) you also make this part of the process smoother as youā€™re not moving the dough around so much. I turn my dough out into my cold pan, take my time scoring, then into my cold oven and bake ā€“ a nice relaxed process.

*Score into the dough 0.5-1.0cm deep.

*Score firmly, but without pushing the dough down into itself.

*I always score from the outside towards the middle when unless Iā€™m making a pattern, this way you donā€™t risk squashing the dough or dragging the blade.

*If your blade is dragging, try changing it for a new blade, or making sure your dough is firm enough to score.

*How you score can affect the final shape of your dough as hopefully my photos have shown. Sorry, I donā€™t have any bad examples to make the point!

*As always, there is no right or wrong here, and the best way to learn is via trial and error.

*Personally, I like the lines that the rice flour in the banneton leave, if youā€™re not a a fan, lightly brush is off.

I have various videos on my YouTube channel and Instagram showing scoring.

Hereā€™s some ideas from my past loaves..

Personally I like it when designs crack and burst,
I like seeing that power in my dough!

Have fun, and happy scoring!

Talking about dough…

Amazing, beautiful doughā€¦I love seeing this! This is a shot of the underneath of my bowl of dough following itā€™s overnight prove, the dough has risen and more than doubled in size and you can see the texture all the way through the dough. Itā€™s a joy every time I wake up to a sight like this, it never ever gets boring!

So, here are some notes to keep in mind regarding doughā€¦

šŸŒŸ for everyone who has asked me if their starter is strong enough: if your dough is growing and doubling, your starter is fine and working well

šŸŒŸ if your dough isnā€™t growing, itā€™s either because itā€™s been cold, see below, or your starter needs a boost, see my site for details

šŸŒŸ all doughs are different due to different flours, different temperatures, different environments and different handling

šŸŒŸ if itā€™s been cold overnight and your dough hasnā€™t doubled, itā€™s normal, temperatures under 18C/64F will slow the growth down; just give it longer in the morning to do its work

šŸŒŸ under proved dough will result in a dense loaf with large uneven holes, but it will still taste good!

šŸŒŸ if itā€™s been warm overnight, well over 20C/70F your dough will grow and possible double and look volcanic and fabulous, however, it risks over proving and losing all structure and integrity, it will be soft and sloppy and impossible to work with

šŸŒŸ over proved dough will result in a flat dense bake, but it will also still taste good!

šŸŒŸ to combat high temps either read the baking timetable on my site or use less starter in your dough

šŸŒŸ when you handle your dough after itā€™s main bulk prove, it should feel bouncy and have some nice resistance

šŸŒŸ my best tip is: learn to watch your dough and not the clock; your dough well tell you whatā€™s happening and what you need to change, if anything, and,

šŸŒŸ get to know your starter

šŸŒŸ get to know your flours and your doughs

šŸŒŸ get to know how sourdough works in YOUR home

šŸŒŸ Make notes, jot down times and temperatures, flours and behaviours and create your own reference guide.

šŸŒŸ Happy baking! šŸŒŸ

Talking about dough…

Amazing, beautiful doughā€¦I love seeing this! This is a shot of the underneath of my bowl of dough following itā€™s overnight prove, the dough has risen and more than doubled in size and you can see the texture all the way through the dough. Itā€™s a joy every time I wake up to a sight like this, it never ever gets boring!

So, here are some notes to keep in mind regarding doughā€¦

šŸŒŸ for everyone who has asked me if their starter is strong enough: if your dough is growing and doubling, your starter is fine and working well

šŸŒŸ if your dough isnā€™t growing, itā€™s either because itā€™s been cold, see below, or your starter needs a boost, see my site for details

šŸŒŸ all doughs are different due to different flours, different temperatures, different environments and different handling

šŸŒŸ if itā€™s been cold overnight and your dough hasnā€™t doubled, itā€™s normal, temperatures under 18C/64F will slow the growth down; just give it longer in the morning to do its work

šŸŒŸ under proved dough will result in a dense loaf with large uneven holes, but it will still taste good!

šŸŒŸ if itā€™s been warm overnight, well over 20C/70F your dough will grow and possible double and look volcanic and fabulous, however, it risks over proving and losing all structure and integrity, it will be soft and sloppy and impossible to work with

šŸŒŸ over proved dough will result in a flat dense bake, but it will also still taste good!

šŸŒŸ to combat high temps either read the baking timetable on my site or use less starter in your dough

šŸŒŸ when you handle your dough after itā€™s main bulk prove, it should feel bouncy and have some nice resistance

šŸŒŸ my best tip is: learn to watch your dough and not the clock; your dough well tell you whatā€™s happening and what you need to change, if anything, and,

šŸŒŸ get to know your starter

šŸŒŸ get to know your flours and your doughs

šŸŒŸ get to know how sourdough works in YOUR home

šŸŒŸ Make notes, jot down times and temperatures, flours and behaviours and create your own reference guide.

šŸŒŸ Happy baking! šŸŒŸ

Making sourdough in hot temperatures…

Heat can be great for proving dough, but only up to a point; once temperatures start to rise up and over 20C/70F at night, our beautiful overnight doughs risk over proving.

There are simple steps to prevent this from happeningā€¦I have a timetable on here which can help; it is based on proving the dough on the counter for a few hours in the warmth, then putting the dough into your banneton and into the fridge overnight; the dough can then be baked directly from the fridge any time the next day.

Or, what I do, which is the simplest solution, is use my master recipe exactly as it is, just with less starter. The photos shows 20g of my lovely active starter, which pretty much equates to a tablespoon which is all you may need as the heat rises, in fact, you can use even less than that if you need to, Iā€™ve used as little as 5g of starter in my dough and itā€™s worked perfectly. You do not need to change anything else about the recipe, just this.

The key thing to keep in mind is that you always always have full control over your dough making, many bakers think that the dough controls them, and that they need to jump to its tune, whereas the truth is actually the other way round. We have full control. Youā€™ll find all about this and a whole section about dough in my book, The Sourdough Whisperer.


šŸŒŸ less starter slows the dough down and allows you to still be able to prove your dough on the counter overnight. It works perfectly for foodbod sourdough bakers all over the world who live and make sourdough in hot countries all year round.

šŸŒŸ a thermometer in your kitchen will help you to be able to plan for when you need to do this but already around the Northern Hemisphere temperatures are rising and doughs are being challenged. If this is happening to you, use less starter.

šŸŒŸ you will know if your dough is over proving if it grows very quickly and is overly bubbly.

šŸŒŸ you will know if you dough HAS over proved if it fills your bowl, is very slack and fluid, very bubbly, impossible to handle and smells strongly.

šŸŒŸ this dough will no longer have any structure and will not be able to hold its shape. It will bake to a flat, dense, but tasty loaf.

šŸŒŸ the best thing to do with over proved dough is use it to make focaccia or flatbreads, something that doesnā€™t require structure.

Happy baking šŸŒŸšŸŒŸšŸŒŸšŸŒŸ

Please note: this does not work the other way round. If you are heading into cold weather, more starter is not the answer. If itā€™s cold itā€™s cold, dough will respond slower however much starter you use. In this instance just allow your dough more time to do it work. Thereā€™s full info and hints and tips on my site to help you.

Making multiple doughs and loaves…

šŸŒŸ if you want to double or triple my master recipe, feed your starter double or triple the usual amounts to generate the amount of active starter youā€™ll need to make your doughs.

šŸŒŸ you donā€™t need to start out with more starter for it to be able make more; just feed your usual base amount for the job, it will work perfectly.

šŸŒŸ if you want to double or triple my master recipe, just double or triple all of the quantities.

šŸŒŸ I always use one bowl per dough when I make multiples rather than one large single dough in one bowl. The main reason for this is that when I prove my dough overnight it grows and fills the entire bowl, so I would need an absolutely huge bowl to hold a double or triple batch of dough.

šŸŒŸ I also use one bowl per dough as I like to know that Iā€™ve fully mixed and incorporated all of the ingredients well. So whether I make 2, 3 (or 4, as I was in the pic), doughs, I use 1 bowl per dough. Itā€™s also a lot easier than trying to split the dough further down the line.

Plus a huge batch of dough would become quite difficult to manage!

šŸŒŸ if you do make a single bigger dough and therefore one huge loaf, you will indeed need to bake it for longer.


Our stories of ā€˜sanity saving sourdoughā€™ during lockdown 2020…

Who knew what the reality of lockdown would be?

Who really had any idea?

I know I didnā€™t.

For us, my husband continued to work, being considered a key worker, and my 18 year old sonā€™s school life and A level exams suddenly got completely wiped out. But for me, I work for myself, I work from home anyway, so I didnā€™t foresee much differenceā€¦except for having the added extra of my sonā€™s lovely company every dayā€¦

How wrong I was; I have literally lived through one of the busiest, if not THE busiest, periods of my life.

Let me explain: I set this website up a couple of years ago to share my process for making sourdough simply, successfully, and consistently, for anyone who wanted to make it at home. I see and read so many over complicated recipes, numerous processes with unnecessary and excessive steps, and I knew it didnā€™t need to be so hard and so seemingly inaccessible, so I decided to build this website and to share my process and tips with anyone who might be interested. I was already sharing my loaves on Instagram and people seemed to like them, so I set up my Facebook page and then my group, to chat and to share more of what I was doing.

I had no idea if there would be any interest, I thought I would share my sourdough world with my friends and family, and that would be it. But the interest in sourdough has been building over the last few years and my audience has grown along the way and I now have a whole lovely extended family of ā€˜foodboddersā€™. Itā€™s been amazing, and a source of great joy to be able to help people all over the world to make great healthy tasty homemade bread.

Enter lockdown. And that level of interest went supernova! On an average day during lockdown I have answered hundreds, no exaggeration, literally hundreds, of messages, emails and comments per day.

And why? Because during lockdown the interest in making sourdough grew exponentially. I think there are several reasons this happened; suddenly people who have always wanted to give it a go had the time, then others saw what they were doing, and saw the press stories, and fancied having a go and got involved too. Supplies of commercial yeast also run dry so people were looking for alternatives and making a sourdough starter and generating your own yeast became the perfect answer.

And with that comes questions and feedback and cries for help. Sourdough has a magical capacity to turn minds to jelly at the best of times, add in the heightened emotions of the Covid 19 situation, and insecurities for some sourdough newcomers were even greater than would normally have been. At the same time flour shortages hit, so that threw in more confusion and a lot of questions about different flours and alternative options. The beauty of this though is that it gave people the chance to try flours they may have never used otherwise, as well as learning just how different the outcome of sourdough can be depending on the flour you use.

For a sourdough lover like me, lockdown has been an amazing time. It has been a joy to see so many people getting involved and being able to share this amazing joy from my kitchen to theirs. Sourdough saved so many peoplesā€™ sanity during a time of such uncertainty; it gave people a chance to see how you can take the basics of flour and water and make a starter, the positivity of nature and creation, as well as the timely reassurance of renewal and growth. They enjoyed watching their starters come to life in front of their eyes; itā€™s been a welcome reminder that life goes on. They also enjoyed the welcome distraction of looking after their starters, creating their doughs and producing their loaves.

Iā€™ve been sent photos of loaves baked using my process during lockdown from every corner of the globe; the excitement when people unveil their first loaves is palpable. And itā€™s enabled them to create their own heathy, homemade bread to enjoy with their families and share with others. People have told me about local virtual baking groups theyā€™ve created, family and friendsā€™ sourdough WhatsApp groups, how they have been sharing their starters, doing produce swaps for flours, baked loaves for their families and neighbours, provided bread for vulnerable isolated neighbours. Itā€™s been infectious, as much because sourdough is so rewarding, but also itā€™s a satisfying, fulfilling process. Itā€™s something people can get lost in and excited about, and we all needed some of that during lockdown.

The other question Iā€™m asked is this: do I think the interest will continue once restrictions lift and people go back to work?

And my answer is: I truly hope so. Lockdown enabled people to start making sourdough from scratch, and gain experience whilst they had the time. And that doesnā€™t need to stop.

Sourdough is the healthiest form of bread we can eat, making our own means we know exactly what is in it, and those benefits and that joy can continue. It can also easily be made during a working week. So yes, I think the interest will continue and I hope that people enjoy their new found interest and skill and happy baking!

But the point of this post is about how sourdough has helped peopled through such an unprecedented uncertain time. For me, Iā€™ve been too busy to think; I havenā€™t had time to dwell on things, I havenā€™t had time to worry, plus itā€™s made time fly. Iā€™ve talked to people all over the world daily, shared sourdough help as well as lockdown stories. Between helping others and looking after my home and family, I havenā€™t had time to be scared. Itā€™s been a gift in so many ways.

So how about you? How has sourdough helped you through lockdown?

Iā€™d love you to comment and share your experiences and build a living diary of our sourdough lockdown experiences. It may prove to be inspirational, even cathartic, or just interesting to see read othersā€™ experiences.

Below are some stories from just a few of my bakers that you may find sound familiar to your experiencesā€¦

ā€œBaking in general has always been a form of therapy for me. However, these last few weeks it has proven to be a life-saver or rather a ā€œsanity-saverā€. Sourdough baking with its processes, feeding and folds is something I can get lost in and something I can be a part of. I can control nearly everything happening in my loaf and that grounds me. Something else it has shown me (although I already knew this) is that my favourite part of baking is sharing. Sourdough has become an integral part of my life, one that brings me happiness and comfort, specially these last weeks.ā€

Aranzazu Garcƭa TomƔs, English teacher from Zaragoza, Spain

ā€œMy sourdough journey started last October, I was laid up after having an op on my foot. I was totally immobile so I started browsing ā€˜sourdough startersā€™  and baking sourdough bread, and there started my addiction. I spent two weeks reading and watching everything about sourdough, and when I could hobble around, I thought Iā€™d give it a go.

Suffice to say itā€™s been an up and down journey, my first two loaves stuck so much to the pot I had to soak them in water to get the ā€˜breadā€™ out, I say bread, it was inedible.

But I persevered and itā€™s now a passion beyond anything Iā€™ve done before.

Sourdough grounds me, the whole process, feeding my starter, watching it rise, mixing the dough and then the magic happens in the oven.  Iā€™m a mental health worker in the NHS, the lockdown has had a huge impact in my line of work, mental health of the nation has really suffered.  So to come home, start a loaf, whether we need one or not is my way of putting the work day down.  For me, sourdough is almost ā€˜ mindfulā€™ it grounds me and brings me back to what I love about making sourdough bread, itā€™s a joy and has kept me sane during lockdown.  Of course another side of the coin is my work colleagues love it as they see the fruits of my labour, itā€™s a win win scenario in tough times.  I feel truly blessed, especially currently to have not only the ability to make bread but to have to sourdough community which has been a huge help during lockdown. 

Sourdough is now a way of life for me, shop brought bread is a thing of last year and never to come into my home.  I make delicious, wholesome bread at home, it may not always win the beauty contest for looks  but who cares?

Some people close to me having jokingly said Iā€™m ā€œobsessedā€ with sourdough, Iā€™d like to call it passionate, whatever it may be , I donā€™t care as long as Iā€™m baking sourdough, Iā€™m happy.ā€

Kal Tace, Community Support Worker, Nottingham

ā€œSanity saving sourdough in lockdown. Three months ago this would have given me pause, before I began research into their meaning. Now after living with this since March 5, 2020 I understand much too well. Spending most of those three months alone has been much harder than one could appreciate at the outset. I am a retired critical care RN of nearly 40 years. I take care of people and make them better. I am a mother of three and ā€œNanā€ to 1 grandson. Suddenly I had to stay at home to stay safe-virus free. My sourdough starter, Olivia, was born December 10, 2018 and help me produce many loaves of wonderful bread for my children(all in their 30ā€™s). I could still bake bread for them and arrange transportā€¦ or so I thought.

With the panic of jobs closing, people forced to stay home and schools closing there was also a ā€˜panic buyingā€™of cleaning products, masks, toilet paper and flour! This is when I became actually frightened. Sourdough bread was important to how I take care of my family now. I realized I could still bake, but I must be smart. I could still produce bread for my kids and myself, but only perhaps once a week. I could still feed my starter, Olivia and drink in the sweet sour smell and watch her bloom over a few hours. I could still mix Olivia into a beautiful stretchy dough and let them work together under my guidance. The touch and smell of this dough kept my feet on the ground. Eventually, after much searching, I was able to find bread flour to order that did not come in 100 pound bags! I ordered my flower, but it still took three anxious weeks to come, or maybe a bit longer. What a wonderful day that was when that flour came!

Perhaps one of the biggest pieces of my sanity anchors, besides making my bread, is the Facebook group Iā€™ve been inspired by- Sourdough with foodbod. I lurked in the shadows a bit and became so inspired by so many sourdough bakers from all over the world. Elaine Boddy and all her moderators are there to help and inspire! That is what a lockdown baking community should be- inspiration and how to continue baking in our new normal.ā€

Lesley Fuson, Nashville, Tennessee, USA

Please read on in the comments to read Kristenā€™s fabulous story and then do please add your ownā€¦letā€™s build our own living history of how sourdough has helped us through lockdown and show the world how wonderful this sourdough world of our isā€¦

Please note that your comment will not show immediately; it is not lost, check back in a little while and it will show up.

Spiced spinach sesame seed sourdough flatbreads…

My flatbreads served with a plate full of leftover roast vegetables, ajvar, zaatar and tahini

I do like a ā€˜chuck it all in a bowl and see what happensā€™ kind of creation, which is what these wereā€¦Iā€™ve made many spinach flatbreads in the past, but this was the first time adding some starter. It adds an extra flavour and of course, all that sourdough goodness we love!

These are also packed with great healthy ingredients and are a great way to get kids eating spinach! You can use them as flatbreads or make bigger rounds and use them as a pizza base.

Equally great the next day, the flavours continued to develop

This recipe can serve as a basis for something you might fancy making, you can swap out the ingredients for things of your choice or just follow it as it is. Iā€™ve included the spices I used, feel free to swap these for your favourites, an Indian inspired spice mix works well too.


200g starter (this can be discarded starter, unfed, or fed for the purpose)

250g baby spinach leaves

150g flour of your choice, I used buckwheat flour

50g toasted sesame seeds

3 tablespoons tahini or olive oil

3 garlic cloves, peeled

2 teaspoons tabil spice mix (toasted even amounts of coriander, cumin and carraway seeds, ground)

2 teaspoons pul biber chilli flakes

2 teaspoons paprika

Salt and pepper to taste

All in the bowl


In a blender whizz up the everything expect the sesame seeds, starter and flour. Run it until the spinach and garlic are finally chopped.

Scoop it all into a mixing bowl, stir in the seeds, then fold in the starter and flour.

Cover the bowl and leave the dough to settle and develop.

Now you can leave the dough for an hour, or several or overnight. The longer you leave it the more the flavour will develop, it may even prove and little and puff up.

When you want to cook your flatbreads, heat your oven to 180C fan/200C non fan.

Turn the dough out onto a floured surface and break off portions. Shape them into round then flatten them out to 1/2cm thick.

Place them onto a oven tray. Either bake immediately or cover and allow them to prove again for an hour before baking.

The uncooked dough is such a great colour and smells amazing

Bake for 10-15 minutes until slightly puffed and darker in colour.

Eat warm or store for later, theyā€™re even better after 2-3 days, and can easily be reheated in a toaster.


I hope you like them!

Top tips for new sourdough creators…

A bowl of rice and water on the table.

The massive surge of interest in sourdough during the lockdown has been amazing, I am literally inundated with messages and emails from dawn til dusk. A lot of them are from people asking for help as they make new starters, others are asking about how to use the various flours theyā€™ve managed to get hold of.

If youā€™ve recently joined the sourdough fun and are making a starter, have made one, or are struggling getting flour, I thought Iā€™d share some tips in case itā€™s useful..

*You only need small amounts of flour to make a sourdough starter.
*You can use any flour to make a starter, ideally not gluten free flour although it can be done, it will be a lot weaker.
*You donā€™t need to feed your starter the same flour it was made from if youā€™ve now run out.
*Once your starter is established, you only need to feed it to use it, daily feedings are no longer necessary.
*It doesnā€™t need feeding again to store it.
*Only feed your starter what it needs to generate what you need for your recipe, this way thereā€™s no waste and youā€™re not using unnecessary flour.
*You donā€™t need to work to ratios or percentages.
*The flour you made your starter from does not need to match the flour you make your dough from.

If I can help anyone with their starter do let me know. And if youā€™ve got random flours and would like some ideas for using them Iā€™m starters or doughs, let me know too.

More top tips…

Some more top tips for you and answers to the questions I am most often asked..

Give your starter time, it may look like itā€™s doing nothing, but itā€™s building strength, stick with it

If your starter is thin with tiny bubbles, add extra flour to thicken it up, it needs the extra food

If your starter has a layer of murky liquid in the top, itā€™s not ruined, itā€™s just hungry. Feed it! And make sure you are not keeping it anywhere too warm, the heat will make it constantly thin and weak

Donā€™t keep your starter in the oven with the light on, itā€™s too hot, it will work too fast and always be too thin and weak

The flour you have made your starter from does not need to match the flour in your dough

Follow the process steps and allow your dough time to do its work

Donā€™t leave dough on the oven overnight with the light on, it will over prove and be spoiled

Check out all of the info on my site about flour, weather, scoring, storing, the FAQs, baking times takes, thereā€™s lots of free info there for you

Check out the equipment list, and..

If you donā€™t have a banneton, line a similar sized bowl with a clean tea towel and sprinkle it with rice flour

If you donā€™t have rice flour, grind some uncooked rice, itā€™s the same thing

You can use any covered oven proof pan just make sure itā€™s big enough

Sourdough is a wonderfully slow process, let it happen and enjoy it, it will be worth it

Watch your dough and not the clock

Give your dough time to double overnight; depending on the temperature overnight this may take shorter or longer than my usual times stated in my master recipe

If your dough is soft and spreads, use 25g less water in your dough next time

If you dough spreads when you turn it out in the pan, but bakes up to a lovely loaf, donā€™t worry about the spreading, enjoy your loaf

Always my biggest and most important tip:

If it tastes good IT IS GOOD!

Donā€™t focus on looks and holes and scoring, they donā€™t make it taste any better, enjoy what youā€™ve created, itā€™s amazing x x

Goats cheese and pesto sourdough waffles

A close up of some waffles on a plate

Let me introduce you to my most recent creation….it all began when I bought a waffle maker recently, possibly a huge mistake for my waistline, but so much fun to play with!

Making waffles with starter adds the lovely flavour we all adore, as well as a great texture.

A close up of some waffles on a plate
A close up of a waffle in the middle of it

Iā€™m a savoury eater, so you could convert this easily for a sweet option but let me assure you that these are worth trying.

I used just starter, egg, goats cheese and some tomato pesto. Itā€™s great way to use discard if youā€™re making a new starter, or using up some if youā€™ve been building up too much, or feed up your starter for the purpose then portion out what you need for the recipe.

You could also use less starter and top up the rest of the mixture with flour and water. Personally I prefer them made with all starter for the flavour.

A close up of some waffles on a plate


Makes 1 round/4 quarters (double the quantities for 2 rounds)

200g starter (discard, unfed, fed and active and stirred down)

OR 100g starter, as above, plus 50g flour of your choice & 50g water

1 large egg

50g crumbly goats cheese (or cheese of your choice)

25g pesto of your choice (or harissa, chilli sauce, whatever you fancy)


Heat your waffle maker to maximum.

Stir all of the ingredients together well, but donā€™t break up the goats cheese too much. Let it sit for 10 minutes to thicken.

Once the waffle maker is ready, pour all of the mixture in (it all fitted perfectly in mine, assess how much yours needs from your own experience), close the maker and cook for 10-15 minutes or until thereā€™s no more steam coming from your maker.

Carefully ease the cooked waffles from the maker, cut into quarters and serve.

A close up of some waffles on a plate

Tuck in as soon as cool enough to hold!

If you donā€™t have a waffle maker, maybe add a little extra flour and try these as pancakes or flatbreads?

My waffle maker is made by Netta and I ordered it on amazon.