One of the questions I am asked the most is:
why does my dough spread?
Or, why are my loaves so flat?
Which often goes hand in hand with ‘I really struggle to score my dough’.
If that’s you, read on…
All of these issues can be easily fixed, and will be because your dough is very soft, can’t hold its shape, and therefore spreads, it will be impossible to score successfully, or even you can score it, the scores close up. Typically, this is because your dough is not firm enough.
The key reasons for this are, either:
⁃ your flour was not strong enough for the dough to hold its shape,
⁃ there was too much water in your dough for the flour you’re using,
⁃ you are not building up enough structure in your dough during the pulls and folds actions (they do make a difference),
⁃ you are not pulling your dough together tightly enough when placing it into your banneton; this video will help,
⁃ or the dough is over proving and therefore losing any structure,
Also note that if your banneton is too big for your dough your loaf will be wide and flat.

There’s answers, help and solutions for you throughout my book, posts and on my faq page.
But the key thing to know is, it’s always an easy fix… AND, as always, all that matters is how your loaves taste!

My rule of thumb is this: if your dough is soft and sticky BEFORE the overnight prove, you probably need less water in your dough; if it’s soft and sticky AFTER the overnight prove, it’s probably over proved and you need less starter in the dough from the beginning, or to move your dough to cooler spot.

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