If you would like to understand exactly how to manage your dough making, control the timing, and work WITH your room temperature and not against it, you can hear me explaining all of this and more in my latest podcast episode. I explain exactly how I manage my dough making and how you can too.
AND I’ve got new recipes for you – including this focaccia!
Listen here and enjoy!
Or on Apple, Podbean, Spotify, Amazon, Google and other platforms.
Brought you in partnership with Matthews Cotswold Flour and Shanas Sourdough.

For everything you need to make fabulous sourdough: we’ve got you covered!
Find out more and see recipes featured in this episode and across the series on the podcast website and watch it all on YouTube.
Proudly brought to you with Matthews Cotswold Flour and Shana’s Sourdough.
For great flour visit the Cotswold Flour website and use code FOODBODPOD for our exclusive discount
For all of the equipment you’ll ever need visit Shana’s Sourdough.
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