Welcome to my third book, which was published in Spring 2023.
‘I think this is my most creative book yet, packed full of exciting tasty recipes, taking your sourdough starter even further and providing endless uses for it. But also, and most crucially, I have listened to everything you have all said, and one of the key issues and concerns that sourdough bakers have is shaping their doughs, so I have removed that for you in this book and I have created easy to handle doughs and ways of baking sourdough simply, daily, plus I have ensured that we get to utilise the pans in our kitchen so we already own and get the most out of them. This all comes together to give you easy every day recipes using my renowned simple uncomplicated ways of making sourdough. In a word, this book is FUN! Tasty, creative, sourdough fun!
My hope is that you will be excited and inspired to make lots of the recipes and have fun at the same time! Whether you are a new or an existing sourdough baker, these recipes are for you, for making great sourdough every day, or any day.
I hope you like it xx’
“To say Elaine has outdone herself is a understatement. So many lovely flavor combinations that made my spin at the thought of them. All of this with fun easy shaping using muffin trays, cake and loaf pans . All things you probably already have in your kitchen. As always her recipes are accompanied by easy detailed instructions and beautiful photographs of all the different breads. I can’t wait to start baking and sharing our thoughts on this fantastic book! Thank you again Elaine for giving us this inspirational opportunity to bake with your recipes!”
Shana from Shana’s Sourdough
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