Me and sourdough…
I started baking sourdough in 2013. I was introduced to it by a wonderful blog friend, Selma, who sent me some dried starter and full instructions to revive the starter and bake my first loaf.
I’ll be honest, I was scared!!! I didn’t know anything about sourdough, I’d never even eaten any, so I bombarded Selma with questions which she happily answered (the sourdough community is a passionate sharing bunch), and then I went for it…and it worked like a dream. I baked a beautiful perfect loaf, below, I was so proud, and promptly ate half of it in one go right there and then, it was so good 🙂
Since then, I started to learn more about sourdough, play around with flours and processes, had some failures but lots more successes, until I perfected a method that I could use every week to bake sourdough for my son, who now won’t eat any other bread. So I need to know it works, which is why I can safely say that I KNOW my method works.
And I love it! I love everything about making sourdough, I love the process, the outcome, but mostly, I love watching other people enjoy what I’ve created. And I hope that you will have the same love and satisfaction from your own loaves.
Follow me on Instagram for day to day sourdough news, share your bakes with me on Facebook, and always feel free to contact me with any questions.